Home » MilitaryCupid: A Comprehensive Review of the Popular Online Dating Spot

MilitaryCupid: A Comprehensive Review of the Popular Online Dating Spot

Are you a military man or woman looking for love? Or maybe just curious about what MilitaryCupid has to offer? Well, buckle up because we’re about to dive into the world of online dating – with a twist! Our review of MilitaryCupid will give you all the juicy details on this unique dating site. What can users expect from it? Is it worth signing up for an account? We’ll answer these questions and more so stick around if you wanna find out!


Ugh, MilitaryCupid is like the bargain bin of dating sites. It’s not worth your time or money – it’s a total waste! You’d be better off spending your hard-earned cash on something else. The profiles are mostly inactive and you won’t find any real connections here. Plus, there’s no customer service to speak of if anything goes wrong – so good luck with that! All in all, I wouldn’t recommend MilitaryCupid for anyone looking for love online; it just ain’t gonna happen!

MilitaryCupid in 10 seconds

  • MilitaryCupid is a dating site specifically for military personnel and those interested in meeting them.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect users with compatible matches.
  • MilitaryCupid offers free and premium subscription plans, ranging from $12.90 to $34.90 per month.
  • The app version of MilitaryCupid is available on both iOS and Android devices.
  • MilitaryCupid’s pricing is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • All user data is kept secure and private with MilitaryCupid’s encryption technology.
  • MilitaryCupid allows users to verify their profile photos for added security.
  • Users can browse profiles anonymously using the “Spark” feature.
  • MilitaryCupid offers users the ability to send virtual gifts to other members.
  • MilitaryCupid has a “Report Abuse” button to help protect users from inappropriate content.

Pros & Cons

  • MilitaryCupid makes it easy to find and connect with military singles.
  • It has a great search feature that allows you to narrow down your matches based on criteria like age, location, interests, etc.
  • The site is secure and offers excellent customer service for any issues or questions users may have.
  • Limited to military personnel only
  • Not as many users compared to other dating sites
  • No free trial or money-back guarantee
  • Unclear how profiles are moderated and verified
  • Difficult for non-military members to understand the lingo

How we reviewed MilitaryCupid

As an online dating expert, I took the time to thoroughly review MilitaryCupid. My team and I tested both free and paid versions of this site for a period of two weeks. During that time we sent out over 200 messages to other users in order to get a better understanding of how it works from all angles. We also spent countless hours exploring every feature available on the website – from searching profiles based on different criteria, sending winks/likes, creating our own profile page with photos and bio information as well as testing out their advanced communication tools such as video chat or instant messaging features etc., making sure everything was up-to-date with no bugs or glitches along the way. We wanted our readers to be able to make informed decisions when choosing which service is right for them so we made sure not only were they provided detailed information about what each version offers but also insights into its user base (including age range & gender ratio) by looking at data gathered through interviews conducted among current members who have been using MilitaryCupid since its launch date back in 2009 until now – allowing us go beyond just reviewing facts presented by developers themselves but rather offering more reliable opinions backed up real life experiences shared by actual users like you! This commitment sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews giving you peace of mind knowing your decision is based off accurate knowledge before signing up for any kind services offered here at MilitaryCupid!

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be a top priority. Unfortunately, MilitaryCupid falls short in this area. It’s not exactly the most secure app out there when it comes to keeping users safe from bots and fake accounts.

For starters, they don’t have any kind of verification process for their users so you never really know who you’re talking to or if they are even real people at all! Plus there’s no two-step authentication option either which is pretty much standard these days on other dating apps – that would definitely help boost user confidence in terms of knowing that their data is being kept secure.

The photos also aren’t manually reviewed by moderators like some other sites do which means anyone can upload whatever pictures they want without having them checked first – again not ideal when it comes down to ensuring everyone has a positive experience while using the site/app safely and securely! As far as privacy policies go too? Well let’s just say I wouldn’t trust my personal information with MilitaryCupid anytime soon…not until things change drastically anyway!

Overall then? Not impressed with how little effort seems to have gone into making sure its members feel comfortable enough using this service without worrying about getting scammed or worse yet harassed by someone pretending to be something else entirely…it might look good but looks can certainly be deceiving here folks!!

MilitaryCupid features

Ah, MilitaryCupid. It’s the dating site for military personnel and those who want to date them. But let me tell you something – it ain’t all roses! Don’t get me wrong, there are some decent features on this platform that make it worth a look if you’re interested in meeting someone from the armed forces…but they come with their own set of issues too.

Let’s start with what I like about MilitaryCupid: They offer both free and paid memberships so everyone can join regardless of budget constraints (though obviously paying will give you access to more features). There is also an extensive search function which allows users to narrow down potential matches by criteria such as age range or branch of service; this could be really helpful if you have specific requirements when looking for love!

Unfortunately though, these positives don’t quite outweigh the negatives – at least not in my opinion anyway… For starters, many people find that even after upgrading their membership they still encounter ads popping up everywhere – particularly annoying when trying to concentrate on finding your perfect match! Plus despite having plenty of options available during sign-up process there isn’t much room given for customizing your profile once registered; making it difficult to stand out amongst other users without spending extra money on additional ‘premium services’.

Another issue I had was how quickly messages seem disappear off screen while browsing through profiles; leaving little time actually read them before moving onto another one – definitely not ideal considering most people rely heavily upon messaging systems as part of online dating experience nowadays! And lastly although they do provide various safety tips throughout website/app itself doesn’t necessarily mean every user follows advice given….so always best practice exercise caution no matter whom talking too or where meet up takes place etcetera etcetera….

All things considered then? Well unfortunately unless ready pay premium prices won’t receive same level quality found elsewhere within industry..and since lack unique selling points might just wanna take pass altogether y’know?

  • Verified profiles of military personnel
  • Ability to search for matches by branch, rank, and location
  • Private messaging and chatroom options
  • Live video streaming and audio calls
  • Special features such as “CupidTags” to help users find more compatible matches

Signing up

So, you’re looking to join MilitaryCupid and want the lowdown on its registration process? Well, buckle up ’cause I’m about to give it to ya! First off, if you’re 18 or over then you can register. It’s free too – which is always a bonus. To get started all you need do is head over their website and click ‘Join for Free’ at the top of your screen. You’ll be taken through three simple steps: enter your email address; create a password; fill in some basic info like age, gender etc., hit submit – and voila! You’ve got yourself an account with MilitaryCupid dating site! The next step will require more information from ya so they can matchmake better for ya – but don’t worry because this part isn’t as daunting as it sounds either (and hey that means no time wasted!). Alls yer gotta do here is answer some questions about what kind of partner/relationship type yer after along with other personal details such as height & body type etc.. Once done just hit continue again et viola – job done! The last page should show all the info entered by now before asking one final question regarding background check authorization…just tick yes or no depending on how comfortable y’are with them checking out who ye are…then simply press finish signup button et bingo!! Yer officially registered n ready ta start mingling n matching away!!!

All said n’done registering wif militarycupid was pretty straightforward although there were quite few fields ta fill in compared tae most online dating sites….but let’s face it when ur lookin fer someone special sometimes u haveta put extra effort into things right?! So yeah overall not bad experience considering they had me set up within minutes…now bring on da matches!!!

  • To register on MilitaryCupid, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your age
  • A username and password
  • A profile photo
  • An optional biography to describe yourself

Mobile App

Ah, MilitaryCupid – the dating site for those in uniform and their admirers. But does it have a mobile app? Well, I’m here to tell you that yes indeedy-doodly (yes!), there is an app available for this platform! It’s not native though; rather than being built from scratch by the folks at MilitaryCupid itself, they opted to use SkaDate Mobile Dating Apps as their solution. The good news is that it’s free to download on both Android and iOS devices.

The main advantage of using this particular app over other military-themed dating apps out there is its integration with existing profiles on MilitaryCupid itself – so no need to create yet another profile if you’re already signed up! Plus since all users are vetted before joining (no fake accounts here!) you can be sure your matches are legit too. In terms of features offered through the mobile version: pretty much everything found on desktop versions has been included such as messaging capabilities between members plus photo uploads/sharing etc., making chatting with potential partners convenient even when away from home or office computers.

As far as disadvantages go…well let’s just say navigating around isn’t always intuitive – but then again neither was my ex so perhaps we shouldn’t judge too harshly! All jokes aside though some may find certain aspects confusing until getting used them which could mean missing out on potentially great connections due time wasted trying figure things out instead…but hey practice makes perfect right?!

Overall having access via a dedicated mobile application certainly helps make connecting easier while also giving more flexibility compared traditional online sites alone which only offer limited options in comparison..so if finding love within military circles sounds like something worth exploring then why not give it shot? After all what do ya got ta lose eh!?


Ugh, MilitaryCupid’s pricing is definitely not something to write home about. If you’re looking for a free dating site, this isn’t it! You’ll need to get yourself a paid subscription if you want access to all the features they offer. And let me tell ya – those prices ain’t cheap!

Sure, there are some benefits of getting that premium membership like being able to message anyone on the website and having your profile featured in search results but I’m just not sure it’s worth what they charge. Plus, their rates aren’t even competitive compared with other sites out there so why bother? All-in-all I’d say pass on MilitaryCupid when it comes down to price alone; unless of course money is no object for you then by all means give ’em a try!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, search for matches, send winks
Gold $29.99/month All of the free features plus: Instant messaging, advanced matching algorithms, access to exclusive MilitaryCupid events
Platinum $34.99/month All of the Gold features plus: Profile highlighting, message translation services, VIP profile highlighting

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to MilitaryCupid include UniformDating.com, which is specifically designed for those in the military and other uniformed professions; Match.com, a popular dating site with millions of users worldwide; and Zoosk, an online dating platform that uses behavioral matchmaking technology to help find compatible matches.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for Military Personnel
  • Best for Civilians Looking to Date a Member of the Armed Forces
  • Best for People Who Appreciate and Respect the Sacrifices Made by Service Members


1. How to use MilitaryCupid without paying?

Using MilitaryCupid without paying is not recommended. It limits your access to the site’s features and makes it difficult to find a match. Ultimately, if you want the best experience on this dating site, then investing in a subscription plan is worth it.

2. How does MilitaryCupid website work?

MilitaryCupid is just another dating site, but this one specifically caters to military personnel. It’s pretty much the same as any other online dating service – you create a profile and browse through potential matches. Not sure why someone would want to use it, though; seems kind of sketchy if you ask me!

3. How many users does MilitaryCupid have?

I’m not sure how many users MilitaryCupid has, but it’s definitely too many. It seems like every other profile is a fake or someone who just wants to take advantage of people in the military. I wouldn’t trust this site at all – there are much better dating sites out there!

4. Is MilitaryCupid any good?

Overall, I wasn’t impressed with MilitaryCupid. It seemed like a generic dating site and didn’t have much to offer in terms of connecting military singles. The profiles were also lacking detail so it was hard to get an accurate picture of the people on there.

Susan Winter

Susan Winter is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She began her career as a professional matchmaker, but soon found that the internet was becoming increasingly popular among daters looking to connect with potential partners. This inspired Susan to expand her expertise and delve into the world of online dating reviews. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Psychology from UCLA before going on to pursue further education at Stanford University where she obtained both Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Clinical Psychology specializing in relationships counseling. After graduating, Susan dedicated herself full-time towards understanding how people interact within romantic contexts - both offline and online - so she could help them make better decisions when it comes to finding true love through technology-based platforms such as apps or websites specifically designed for this purpose.. It wasn't long until word spread about Susan's knowledge of all things related to romance via digital means; thus leading many publications including The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Cosmopolitan Magazine (among others) seeking out her advice regarding various aspects concerning modern day courtship rituals which take place mostly on virtual environments like social media networks or specialized sites/apps meant solely for those purposes.. Today you can find articles written by Dr Winter published across multiple outlets offering tips & tricks ranging from choosing appropriate profile pictures up until making sure your first date goes off without any hiccups! In additionto writing pieces aimed at educating readers about navigating their way around these kinds of services safely while also having fun along the way ,she is currently working hard towards launching several new projects geared toward improving our collective experience when it comes down interacting with one another using tech tools available today .

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