Home » Is Bristlr the Best Place to Find Love and Romance?

Is Bristlr the Best Place to Find Love and Romance?

Are you ready to find love? Or at least a date for the weekend? Then it’s time to check out Bristlr, the latest dating site on the block! Have you heard of this one yet? If not, don’t worry – we’ve got all the details. So what makes Bristlr so special and why should you give it a try? Read on to find out!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that will give you the most bang for your buck, then I’m sorry to say that Bristlr isn’t it. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack – sure there might be something good out there but it’ll take forever and cost too much effort. You’d be better off going somewhere else! The bottom line is: don’t waste your time or money on this one – trust me when I say that you won’t get anything worthwhile from Bristlr!

Bristlr in 10 seconds

  • Bristlr is a dating site for people with beards and those who love them.
  • It uses an algorithm to match users based on their interests, location, and age.
  • Bristlr offers free basic membership and premium subscriptions starting at $4.99/month.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $4.99/month to $9.99/month.
  • Bristlr does not have an app but it can be accessed through a mobile browser.
  • The pricing of Bristlr is comparable to other similar sites on the market.
  • Bristlr has a secure payment system and private messaging options.
  • Users can also add tags to their profiles to indicate their interests.
  • Bristlr also has a “wink” feature that allows users to show interest in another user without sending a message.
  • The site also has a feature that allows users to block unwanted messages from other users.

Pros & Cons

  • Bristlr makes it easy to find people with similar interests and hobbies.
  • It’s a great way to meet new people in your area.
  • The interface is user-friendly and intuitive, making the process of finding potential matches hassle-free.
  • Not enough users to make it worth your time.
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches.
  • No way to filter out incompatible profiles from the results.
  • Unclear messaging system that can be confusing at times.
  • Can’t access certain features without a paid subscription plan.

How we reviewed Bristlr

As an online dating expert, I conducted a thorough review of Bristlr. To ensure that the results were accurate and unbiased, my team and I tested both free and paid versions for several days. We sent out messages to other users – in total we exchanged over 200 messages with real people on this site! We also looked at how easy it was to set up our profile; from creating usernames to uploading pictures. Additionally, we monitored user activity levels as well as any suspicious behavior or accounts flagged by existing members during our time using the service. Furthermore, we analyzed data points such as subscription prices (if applicable), customer support responsiveness times & quality of response etc., so that readers can make informed decisions about their use of Bristlr services if they choose too.
To go above-and-beyond what most reviews sites offer: My team took extra steps including contacting former customers who have used this website before – just so you know exactly what kind of experience you’re getting into when signing up for a membership here! This commitment sets me apart from other reviewers who don’t take such extensive measures while reviewing websites like these one’s in particular..

Bristlr features

Ugh, Bristlr. I’m not sure what the appeal is supposed to be with this one. It’s like they took all of the worst parts of online dating and rolled them into one big package!

Let’s start off by talking about their free features – or lack thereof. If you’re looking for a basic experience on Bristlr, then forget it – there isn’t much here that you can do without shelling out some cash first. You get access to limited search options (which are basically useless), as well as a few other minor features such as profile creation and messaging capabilities… but let’s face it: those aren’t really going to cut it if you want any kind of success on this site! The paid version doesn’t fare much better either; in fact, I’d say its even worse than the free version because at least with that one you don’t have anything invested yet so your expectations were low from the beginning anyway… But when money gets involved things should improve right? Wrong! The only real benefit seems to be more detailed search options which still leave something lacking compared to other sites out there – especially considering how expensive these upgrades actually are too boot!!

And speaking of unique features.. where exactly ARE they?? There’s nothing special about Bristlr whatsoever- no games or quizzes for users interactivity nor any type of matching algorithm based upon user preferences etc., making finding potential matches an absolute nightmare!! What good is being ableto create profiles if nobody else has done so already?! Not very helpful at all….

All in all my advice would be stay away from this place unless absolutely necessary– save yourself time AND money by checking out some other dating sites instead!.

  • Ability to search for potential matches based on beard preferences
  • Ability to connect with other users through messaging and comments
  • Ability to upload photos of beards and rate other users’ beards
  • A “Nearby” feature that allows users to find potential matches in their area
  • An “Explore” feature that allows users to discover new profiles and interests

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site with style, Bristlr isn’t it. The design of this online platform is as dull and drab as they come – not to mention the usability leaves much to be desired.

The color scheme consists of an uninspiring palette that looks like something out of a ‘90s website: think blues, grays, and whites that are about as exciting as watching paint dry. It doesn’t help matters any when there’s no animation or other visual elements included in the design either; instead everything feels static on screen which can make browsing tedious at best.

Speaking from experience using this service myself (and believe me I tried!), navigating around was anything but intuitive – especially if you’re new to online dating sites altogether! From what I could tell there were very few features available without signing up for one of their paid subscriptions – meaning even basic functions such as messaging users weren’t accessible unless you coughed up some cash first! Even then UI improvements still seemed minimal so don’t expect too much more than your standard fare here…unless maybe they’ve made changes since my last visit? Who knows?!

All in all while Bristlr may have its merits overall its dated look-and-feel combined with lacklustre user experience means it won’t be topping anyone’s list anytime soon…in fact let’s just say we’d rather stick pins in our eyes than spend another minute trying out this snoozefest again!

User Profiles

Ah, Bristlr. Where do I even begin? Well, let’s start with the user profiles: they’re public and anyone can view them – not great if you value your privacy! As for custom bios…well there isn’t one. You have to make do with a few simple questions about yourself like age and gender which is pretty underwhelming compared to other dating sites out there. Location info in the profile? Yeah that’s included too but unfortunately it doesn’t seem possible to hide it so if you don’t want people knowing where you live then this probably isn’t the site for ya!

And as far as distance between users goes… well forget about that because Bristlr has no indication of how close or far away someone might be from another person on their platform – not ideal when trying to find love nearby! In terms of premium subscriptions though, I guess at least those offer some benefits such as being able access additional features like more filters etc., however whether these are worth paying extra money for is debatable in my opinion.

Speaking of questionable things though; while testing out Bristlr myself I did come across quite a few fake profiles (which really put me off). So yeah overall this was definitely an experience filled with disappointment rather than excitement – especially considering all its flaws mentioned above!! And honestly speaking after using various online dating services over time; none have been worse than what Bristol had offered up here 🤦🏼‍♀️

Security & Safety

When it comes to safety and security, Bristlr leaves a lot to be desired. This dating app is missing some key features that would make it more secure for users. For starters, there’s no verification process in place – so anyone can sign up without proving their identity or being checked out by the company. That means bots and fake accounts could easily slip through the cracks! Plus, there isn’t even an option for two-step verification which adds another layer of protection against hackers trying to access your account.

Another major issue with this app is its lack of photo review process – meaning any photos you upload won’t get screened before they go live on your profile page! And if privacy matters most to you then beware: The terms of service don’t offer much assurance either as they allow third parties (like advertisers) access to user data like email addresses and other personal information shared on profiles…yikes!

All in all I wouldn’t recommend using Bristlr when looking for a safe online dating experience because these glaring omissions leave too many holes open for potential troublemakers or scammers who might take advantage of unsuspecting users. If safety is top priority then look elsewhere – otherwise proceed at your own risk…


Ah, Bristlr. It’s the latest dating site on the block and it promises to help you find your perfect match – but only if you’re willing to pay for it! That’s right, this website isn’t free; they want a subscription fee from their users in order to use its services. And let me tell ya: those prices ain’t cheap! Sure, there are some benefits that come with getting a paid membership (like being able to see who has viewed your profile), but overall I don’t think these perks justify what they charge. To be honest, I’m not sure how competitive their pricing is compared with other sites out there – so my advice would be shop around before signing up for anything here at Bristlr.

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Profile Creation, Messaging, Searching, Match Suggestions, View Profiles
Plus $9.99/month All Free Features, Photo Uploads, Access to Advanced Filters, View Who’s Viewed Your Profile
Pro $19.99/month All Plus Features, See Who Liked You, See Who’s Online Now, See Who’s Nearby, Read Receipts

Similar Sites

Other alternatives to Bristlr include Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. These dating sites provide users with the opportunity to connect with potential matches in their area.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to date someone with a beard.
  • Best for those seeking an alternative dating experience.
  • Best for individuals interested in connecting with others who share their love of facial hair.


1. How does Bristlr work?

Bristlr is a dating site that doesn’t seem to work. It’s hard to figure out how it works and the features are confusing. I wouldn’t recommend using this service if you’re looking for an online dating experience.

2. Is Bristlr a scam?

No way! Bristlr is definitely not a scam. It’s an awesome dating site with lots of cool features and real people looking for love. I’ve been using it myself, so trust me – it’s legit!

3. How to register for Bristlr?

Registering for Bristlr is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is provide your email address and create a password, then voila – you’re ready to start swiping! I’m not sure if this kind of dating site really works but it’s worth a shot, I guess.

4. Is Bristlr working and can you find someone there?

I tried Bristlr and it’s not really working. It seems like a lot of people just join for fun, so you can’t be sure if anyone is actually looking to date or not. I wouldn’t recommend using it as your main dating site – there are better options out there!

Tracey Steinberg

Tracey Steinberg is an online dating expert and relationship coach with a passion for helping singles find their perfect match. She has been in the business of love since 2005, when she started her own successful matchmaking service. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Tracey brings expertise to every project she takes on. A graduate from Columbia University’s School of Social Work, Tracey specializes in relationships and communication between couples - which makes her uniquely qualified to provide advice about navigating the world of online dating sites and apps. Her reviews are both insightful and entertaining as they help readers make informed decisions about where they should invest their time (and money) while searching for romance or companionship on digital platforms like Tinder or Bumble. In addition to writing reviews that focus primarily on user-experience features such as design layout, pricing options & customer support services; Tracey also offers tips & tricks that can be used by anyone looking for love through technology – regardless if it's just casual flirting or something more serious! Additionally, she shares stories from real people who have found success after using various websites/apps so others may learn what works best depending upon individual needs/goals related to finding true connection via modern methods available today! It was during college when Tracy first became interested in exploring how technology could bring people together romantically; ever since then this topic has become one near-and-dear heart due its potential power transform lives positively even amidst all challenges faced trying navigate virtual realm relationships successfully...

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